Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bon Voyage

Hello Everybody,


L and I are headed to Lyon France for ten days, we’ve christened this vacation our official honeymoon.  This trip will also be our first time across Germany and into another foreign land on our own, accidentally going into Austria does not count.


We’ve rented a small apartment in the old part of Lyon and we are planning on taking many pictures.  I will try to blog about the trip and if I have the nerve, perhaps a video.  I’m taking the smaller laptop, so I may not be able to upload video, we’ll see.

Jean-Luc is quite upset about not being able to visit his homeland, particularly since he grew up in the fighting streets of Lyon as a cage boxer, of course this before moving to the United States, where L and I found him strung out to dry on an old tree in our neighborhood.  I still remember his first words to me, “Aide-moi de cet arbre - imbécile ..” Now that’s true love.

Still, we feel bad about leaving him in germland, but I did promise to bring him some ten hour reduction or twenty pounds of Foie-Gras that only a cat from France can appreciate.  Besides he’s got our friend’s son looking after his every need. Although I did forget to tell Jean-Luc that my friends son is only eleven. Oh well…JL is from the fighting streets of France, he’ll cope.

That’s all for now. I’ll post when we arrive and are situated in Lyon.  wish us luck and we miss all of you. 



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