Saturday, October 17, 2009

We’re Baaaaack


Well we’ve been back since Wednesday, but I’ve been decompressing.  

The Lowdown:

Our vacation began by first stopping in Stuttgart for their local October Fest, we all wanted to experience an October Fest like party, without having to deal with all the crowds of crazies that overtake Munich. 

DSCN0203Here you see us walking through the Stuttgart Rail Station after arriving from Nuremberg. 


DSCN0238This was the view out of our window in Stuttgart, not the greatest, neither is Stuttgart, but the people were nice and we had a great time while we were there. 

This is one of the indoor beer “gardens” DSCN0216we stopped at as we made our way through the beer festival in Stuttgart.  I believe the grounds housed 7 of these monstrosities, each providing their own local beer.  The big beer you see in this picture was about ten feet tall and spinning!!!

DSCN0210Team Mitchell getting ready for the evening and making plans to re-award me the Drunken Mitchell Award.



The evening gets a little foggier…


…then the dancing begins.


A picture of the grounds where the beer festival was held. The Ferris Wheel in the background is one of the largest transportable Ferris wheels in the world.


The following morning went off great, no hangover and spirits were high.  We stopped at a local restaurant, ate some food and left for the train station. 

Here you see Stanley posing for a picture as we wait for our train to the airport.

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And we’re off…



Stay tuned for our next adventure in INSTANBUL!!!


much love,


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