A bit involved but worth the effort.
Needs -
Smoked Turkey Leg ( 2 if you want a wholelotta meat)
White bean of your liking (Used Corona Bean)
Brown bean of your liking (Used Tongues of Fire Bean)
Collard Greens
Olive Oil
4 quarts of chicken and beef broth mix (try it...mix it up)
Maybe a cup of water if you think you need it.
The Base -
Chop, chop, chop.

2-3 Carrots
2-3 Celery
5 Garlic
1 Onion
3 Bay Leaf
Dulce Pimenton (think...do I want the smoke...YES, I do.)
Thyme (take a guess)
Cumin (whoa...that might be too much)
Nutmeg (I know right...try it!)
Now mix and saute till nice and golden smelly.
If your turkey leg is too big...you might have to remind it... you're the boss.
Here's where the liquids and base make friends...time to provide a nice toasty tub for the turkey leg.
At least 3 hours of a hot soak, don't let it get nervous and all jumpy, think slow dancing.
Once the turkey leg is no longer shy, it's time to remove it from the bath. Let it cool down, it's been making friends with the base for a while. When it is ready, you may have to help it shed?
Time for some more chopping...it's collards time to take a soak.
The turkey leg may now be allowed to return to the party and remind it bring a little more pimenton with it...
Allow another hour or hour and a half of socializing, but don't let the heat get too heavy.