Hello everybody,
Winter is here and with a mad baboon on it’s shoulder. It’s been snowing for the last week or so, but last night I guess it must have been party party party into the evening in Herzo, because we woke up to about a foot of natures white puke every where.
Ok, puke is a harsh word, but it was a butt load of snow. I know, because I was out this morning at 6:30am sharp shoveling.
Here’s what I saw when I first opened the door…hello a foot of snow at our front door. Did you sleep well?
It’s hard to tell how deep the snow is, but if you look at the silver plant pot at the lower right hand corner, which is about a foot and half tall, you’ll get a sense of how much it snowed during the evening. Plus, what’s crazy about this snow biznezz is…the snow had all melted two days before.
Look at it now.
And the work began
Where’s the car…oh yeah, under 12 inches of snow.
Our pretty street covered in snow…how the heck am I going to get the car out of here? Don’t worry you’ll see later how much snow I cleared off the car.
My herb’s!!!
Looking out onto the walkway behind our house.
A view out our bedroom window.
Where’s our car!!! oh yeah…under 12 inches of snow.
Well we got all bundled up and we left for L’s work. I’ve been trying to walk in the mornings with L – Trying to get exercise for my back.
Above is a picture of the frozen pond by our house.
Look at this, the Germans build benches for snow – They think of everything.
The frozen pond.
I think the birdie has the right idea…
Another frozen pond.
And now....
The Greatest Journey of the Greatest Heart
And this it what I did when I returned home. It was like unwrapping a cold burrito on wheels…varoom.
Many hugs and until next time…keep warm.