Hello everybody,
First off, a BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!! to the Noodles, it’s ahh baby #2 for them. We hope K is doing great.
Moving on, I’m feeling better, my lower back is at about 80% better so that I’ve started to go back to my old habits and most of all less grumpy me. As you can see, I’m hoping to return to blogging and picture taking. For a while I couldn’t sit in front of the computer for more than ten minutes, now I’m up to an hour or so…yippee.
Well since I’m starting to feel better L and I have started to go out more and this weekend we went to our local u-pick veggie and fruit farm. THE PLACE IS HUGE, I was quite surprised and impressed. It reminded me of Sauvé Island, but German. Now for some doodling, as L’s mom calls it. She asked when last we spoke, “When was I going to post my next doodle.” Well here’s the next doodle for your noodle but not to be confused with Jack.
Below are a few pictures I took of our adventure, we hope you enjoy.
but wait…a video!
Here we have a picture of the farm as we arrived.

peek-a-boo I see an egg for you.
Yes sir…eggs so fresh they were still warm when I placed them in the carton.
These were huge greenhouse tent like structures that housed many a tomato…it was also super hot underneath these tarps.
L foraging…
Don’t forget to pick a boogie.

They even kept bees right next to the berries to pollinate them…

This was quite an experience they grow their tomatoes like they grow their hops.
Ummm. cabbage a germy fav.
Here I am trying to avoid a car accident as we were leaving. L said she caught the fear in my eyes, but I don’t see it.
ok then, until next time.
many hugs for all,